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  • Writer's pictureLivi R.

Double Berry Shake!

Hey Guys!! Welcome to my first blog post. In the next few blogs, I’m going to tell you 3 simple cold morning beverages that I like to make. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning the honest truth is that I either don’t feel like making breakfast, don’t know what I want for breakfast or I don’t have time to make breakfast. So I make one of these 3 drinks and I move on with the remainder of my day.

Double Berry Shake

Chai Spice

Sweet Iced Coffee

Check my Blogs for the one you're looking for!

So for this I usually use a bullet blender so I can make one serving for myself and I don’t have a whole full sized blender to wash up afterwards. I came up with these recipes myself by mixing stuff in the blender a couple mornings (in efforts not to waste food about to expire).

Also, I use protein powder and this was a great way to include my protein powder and not stress about it. If you don’t use protein powder, don’t worry, you don’t really need it anyways.

The first one I do I’m gonna call a “Double Berry Shake”.

The ingredients for this are:

5-6 Frozen Strawberries

2 tbsp Plain Greek Yogurt

2 tbsp Black Cherry Juice Concentrate or 1/4 cup black cherry juice

Splash of Almond milk (optional)

1 scoop of protein powder. (optional)

Water (as needed)

I just put the strawberries, yogurt, black cherry concentrate and protein powder in a cup and blend. If I find that its not a smooth, smoothie like consistency I either add almond milk or water (maybe like less than 1/4 cup) until I get the consistency I want. I do not add any sweeteners to this drink, the cherries and strawberries are sweet enough!

What I’ve also done is, I put it in a bowl with some granola and I eat it like that with a spoon!

Here’s the end of my first blog!

My quote of the blog is “ One positive thought for the morning can change your whole day!”

If you have any comments or questions just use the contact tab and leave a message and I will reply asap!

Catch up in the next blog!

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