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  • Writer's pictureLivi R.

I've Got Writer’s Block.

Ah, the good old writer’s block. Happens to the best of us right?

I’m experiencing a bit of it today because I have no idea what I want to write about. I’ve been sick for the past couple of days and today something is just on my mind, in my subconscious and it’s preventing me from coming up with some great content for today.

So today’s blog is going to be all about the creative slowdown known as writer’s block.

So many creative people, writers etc say that writer’s block plagues them when they have conflicted feelings about something, but in that moment they could never pinpoint exactly what the thing is...


We know exactly what we want to say but what’s really causing the blockage is fear. A fear of speaking exactly what is on our mind.

Every writer wants their work to be perfect and often times, want our work out on paper immediately.

But before you even get to the stage of eliminating writers block, you have to admit that you have it in the first place. These are the 5 stages of writer's block from Gabriela Pereira.

Denial -“I don’t have writer’s block"

Anger- “What is wrong with me?! can’t I think of any good ideas."

Bargaining- "I won't write today, but what I write tomorrow is gonna be 2x as good"

Depression- "I'm probably bad at it anyway that's why, maybe I should just stop"

Acceptance- "Maybe I have writers block, what can I do about it?"

5 stages of Writer's Block - Gabriela Pereira

Trust me, Having encountered writer’s block and going through these stages everytime it's happened, here are some tips and tricks that I usually use to help me.

Going for a Walk

Getting up from in your familiar working space and going for a short walk sometimes relaxes you and gives your brain the chance to wander as well to get the creative juices flowing.

Waiting for the Inspiration

This one is only helpful if you don’t have a deadline. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn’t. We would be doing random things, like making a sandwich. Spreading the mayo…BAM! and inspiration hits. (This is also why I keep a notebook or my phone nearby at all times) Sometimes you just have to wait it out.


This one helps best when you know your topic, but you have nothing to say yet. Just sit with your topic sentence on a blank page and write everything that comes to mind about your topic. Even if your mind goes off topic still write down whatever it is that you thought of. It might come in handy later. The goal is to keep writing until the page is full. Then afterwards, take a colored pencil and circle the good ideas.

Read a book,Or any other text.

Sometimes reading something already written inspires new things for you to write. Obviously.

Talk to an imaginary friend

“Who’s your friend that likes to play? BING BONG BING BONG!!” - Disney Pixar’s “Inside Out”. No seriously though, talking to an imaginary friend can help with writers block because that friend is a fan of whatever you write. Give them a name, draw them on paper or give them a celebrity look alike. It seems silly but write a letter to them on whatever topic your writing about, it will help get that creative constipation out in no time.

Listen to some music

Not just one genre, every one you can possibly think of. Sing along if it lifts your mood. Soon you will be screaming lyrics and hopefully, you will be feeling to write some stuff.

So anyway guys, thats today’s short blog post. As I said I’m under the weather today so I’m keeping it quiet and simple.

Today the quote for this blog is “A day of bad writing is better than a day of no writing”- Don Roff. Cheers to that.

If you have any comments or questions just use the contact tab below and leave a message and I will reply asap! Let me know anything you would like me to blog about!

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Thanks and catch up in the next blog!


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