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  • Writer's pictureLivi R.

Why I Love Elephants.

Updated: Oct 22, 2018

Now anyone who knows me well knows that I am OBSESSED with elephants. It's no secret. I love these animals. But I’ve never really expressed why it is that I love an animal that is nowhere to be found in my home countries (Yes, plural countries).

So here are 10 reasons why I love elephants!!

Elephants Love Deeply

Elephants are emotional creatures. People often claim that elephants, cry, smile, laugh, love and show concern for those around them. Just like other creatures and humans elephants get emotional, but to an extent I’ve never been able to fathom. I’ve read an article about a baby elephant crying for 5 hours STRAIGHT after being rejected by his mother. I mean, I cry long before but not THAT long. Poor baby elephant… and what a mean mommy.

Deep-rooting in the Family Unit

They are highly social animals and I truly appreciate how female elephants in particular, live together in the wild. Male elephants stray but in general, elephants tend to travel and live in groups, and when in danger they band together to protect each other when one elephant is in trouble. It's truly a case of no one gets left behind.

Mommy is in Charge

ELEPHANTS ARE FEMINISTS!! LOL, no but really. Even elephants love girl power. Although males may tend to stray from the group some elephant herds do have ruling males, however, really and truly nothing gets done without the mothers. The oldest female in a group is often the one who is in charge. Girls rule, the elephants say so, so its true!

They Never Forget

Elephants are said to live about 70 years long. And in that time they are said to never forget! I sometimes can’t even remember what I had for breakfast! But to be fair think about the size of their brain compared to ours, there’s got to be some sort of superior brain storage in 5kilos (11lbs) of brain.

The Symbolic Meaning of the Elephant

In symbolism, the elephant carries a lot of meanings. This includes strength, honor, stability, and tenacity. In the Christian symbols, it is an example of temperance and patience and as a Chinese symbol, it’s associated with happiness, longevity and good luck.

Gentle Giant

I say they are gentle giants because they have no clue about their own size and the destruction they can cause. They think they are a lap dog and anyone else can see that they really are not. These adorable giants are so gentle that they’re afraid of mice! (I keep hearing and reading that but I don’t know if that is even actually true)

They are Intelligent

Besides having great memories, elephants have self-awareness and they recognize themselves in a mirror! I mean apes and dolphins can do that too… maybe I’m a little biased on this one. I still think its darn cool. They pass all knowledge they have on to their following generations. They can also tell the difference between our languages and in addition to that they are a species with the ability to be innovative and use tools. Have you seen an elephant fix a branch to use as a flyswatter? Yup. They do that. So Cool!

Playful Creatures

Playful when meeting each other, hugging trunks, chasing birds, playing in water baths and water fountains. It’s clear that these creatures just can’t help but have a good time.

They Can Listen With Their Feet

Now most animals I know use their ears for this… and elephants have massive ones. But scientists are saying they can listen with those huge feet of theirs, hearing the sound waves in the earth. WHHHHAAAAT?

They are Endangered

And my final reason for loving elephants is that they are an endangered and preserved species. This is mainly because of illegal slaughter and the destruction of their habitat. The main reason being humans greed to have their beautiful ivory tusks.

ANNNDD Here ends my blog!!

My quote of the blog is elephant themed of course “ Nature's great masterpiece, an elephant; the only harmless great thing." - John Donne

If you have any comments or questions just use the contact tab and leave a message and I will reply asap! Let me know anything you would like me to blog about!

Catch up in the next blog!


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